ELISA Aerospace offers an
engineering degree
(5 years) and a
(3 years) for those with a passion for aerospace and the transportation of the future.
ELISA Aerospace trains
scientific and technical experts
experts in the aeronautics, space, automotive, naval and rail industries, who are needed by leading-edge companies to meet today’s challenges and ensure their growth, both in France and abroad.
Over and above the essential skills and knowledge, the training provided by ELISA Aerospace aims to develop in students know-how and interpersonal skills to participate in innovative projects and integrate easily into the company.
ELISA Aerospace contributes to the public service missions of higher education and research. As such, the school has obtained the status of EESPIG status (Etablissement d’Enseignement Supérieur Privé d’Intérêt Général). This label is awarded to establishments whose operations, organization and teaching quality contribute to student success. Since its creation, ELISA Aerospace has placed students at the heart of its project, enabling them to
cultivate their passion
in small, manageable classes, allowing them to benefit from permanent
permanent supervision
Designing, manufacturing and maintaining an airplane, helicopter, airship, missile, launcher, satellite or any other transport vehicle requires extensive knowledge in a wide range of scientific and technical fields, supported by the acquisition of the following skills basic sciences mathematics and physics, the Swiss Army knife of every engineer.
In order to
ensure the employability
of its students as soon as they leave the school, ELISA Aerospace offers
multi-disciplinary training
training, most of which is given by professionals and experts in the industry of the future and in research. In addition to the traditional assessment of knowledge, a special emphasis is placed on the project approach, so that students are placed in identical work situations.
work situations identical
they will encounter in the workplace.
Finally, ELISA Aerospace’s presence in two major
two major aerospace
aerospace and transport of the future (Ile de France – Hauts de France and Nouvelle Aquitaine – Occitanie) forges an essential
essential relationship
between future experts and the professional world to which they aspire.
When you come to ELISA Aerospace, we open
open the doors
to the world of aerospace, a world of enthusiasts ready to take on the scientific, technical and human challenges of the 21st century.
Some students signed an employment contract before graduation
On-the-job training
Students in 2023-2024
Hours of face-to-face teaching
On-the-job training
Weeks of work experience in 3rd year (sandwich course)
114 allée des charbonnières
33127 Saint Jean d'Illac
06 48 95 76 72
48 rue Raspail
02100 Saint-Quentin
03 23 68 06 11